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$29 at night

If you find a property you absolutely love, but the price exceeds your budget, click the split-rent button to invite relevant renters to view the property and chat with you. Truly, you deserve nothing but the best.

Find Roommates in Shared Rooms

When you leverage on the power of a roommate,you get more with less

Two Pockets are better than one.

You don't have to spend all your money on accomodation.Find someone and share the cost together

Make New Friends

We let you meet with people you will absolutely love since you get to select the personality traits of potential roommates

Live the Life You Deserve

A three bedroom apartment in banana island is a piece of cake. You & your friends can combine your money to rent well built & furnished apartments.

Earn Cool Returns By Accomodating Guests Who Choose to Lodge at Your Place

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